For a considerable period of time, I took pride in my knowledge of select Bible verses, often taken out of context. Regrettably, I must also confess that my theological beliefs were hardly grounded in actual Bible study. Instead, much of it was influenced by charismatic preachers whom I followed online.
However, as I’ve devoted time to studying and cherishing the word of God, I’ve come to realize the significance of anchoring my theology in the Scriptures rather than relying solely on what I’ve heard from a pastor or read in a book.
Consequently, I aim to encourage fellow women to find joy in the written word and to deepen their understanding of who God is because the importance of having sound theology cannot be overstated. It not only shapes our relationship with God but also influences how we interact with our families, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and beyond.
What is Theology?
At first glance, the word ‘theology’ might seem intimidating and scholarly but its definition is quite simple. Theology is a term that comes from the combination of the Greek words theos (meaning “God”) and logos (meaning “word”).
In simple terms, theology is the study of God—a quest to understand His character, His connection to creation, and, most crucially, His relationship with humanity.
God’s desire for us to know Him is evident in His self-revelation through the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim 3:16). Consequently, the objective of Christian theology is to understand God as He is presented in them.
Furthermore, the purpose of theology extends beyond mere knowledge. God invites us to know Him so that, in turn, through our love and obedience, we may exalt Him. By providing us with a solid understanding of God, theology enables us to glorify and worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
It is in this way that sound theology is an indispensable tool for our spiritual journey. Unfortunately, many women try to steer clear of it altogether. But theology, when properly understood, enhances our spiritual lives.
Why Most Women Have Bad Theology
You don’t have to go to seminary or Bible School to be a theologian. In reality, everyone’s a theologian to some degree because we all have a worldview that constitutes who we think and believe God is. Yet, when we gauge our beliefs against Scripture, our theology is either deemed sound (correct) or unsound.
Unfortunately, I’ve observed that many women often find themselves in the latter category. And I was one of them. Yes, I know, it’s women who are mostly religious. However, it’s disconcerting to see how many beliefs many of us embrace as scripturally true that do not align with the actual teachings of the Bible.
With this in mind, here are a few reasons why sound theology is sorely lacking among Christian women today:

1. Laziness
It’s a reality that many of us grapple with a sense of laziness when it comes to diligently studying the Bible. The truth is, that delving into the scriptures demands time and mental effort, and often, the allure of watching something interesting or scrolling through our phones seems more appealing than delving into the Word and seeking the Lord.
Moreover, the busyness of life, particularly for women who are wives and mothers, adds another layer of challenge. The myriad responsibilities, from managing the household to tending to children, not to mention the demands of the workforce, can easily crowd out the time for Bible study.
While these responsibilities are undeniably important, the potential benefits of prioritizing Bible study far outweigh them. The Scriptures, uniquely, possess the transformative power to change our lives and deepen our experience of Jesus.
Recognizing this, it becomes clear that allocating time for scripture holds profound significance amid life’s busyness and distractions.
2. The Bible is not enough
One of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith is the sufficiency of Scripture. Regardless of how revered a pastor, a Christian writer, or a renowned church may be, their teachings should not be considered superior to the Word of God.
The Bible alone is enough to enable believers to grow in their knowledge of God and equip them in matters of faith and practice.
Unfortunately, from my observation, many women undermine the sufficiency of Scripture knowingly or otherwise. Why? Because they look elsewhere for God’s truth. They prefer certain well-known pastors, best-seller books, devotionals, and subjective personal experiences to shape their understanding of God.
Many women also adhere to extra-biblical teachings. Not necessarily because they are theologically correct but because their pastor or should I say ‘papa’ endorsed them.
We fall prey to false theology when we decide to look for the knowledge of God in sources other than the Bible. Instead of knowing the God of the Bible, we start to identify with a false god.
So, are books and devotionals bad? No, there are actually some really sound ones out there. Is it wrong to have a preferred pastor? Certainly not, I personally have two or three that I like to listen to. And are personal experiences all bad? Not necessarily.
However, none of these things should tramp the Word of God. They should be examined through the lenses of scripture to gauge whether they are theologically correct. We need to be like the Bereans, who daily searched the scriptures to determine whether what the Apostles taught was true (Acts 17:11).
Let God be true and every man a liar!
3. It’s a man’s world
It’s been a long-held belief that women don’t need to study theology. And true to it for many women, theology is a discipline reserved for the male folk because it’s either too difficult, uninteresting, boring, or inconsequential.
It’s no wonder books and devotionals targeted at women are full of shallow, self-centered topics and awash with bad hermeneutics. Coupled with the empty motivational speeches that make for sermons in women’s conferences, it’s not hard to see why it’s easy for women to disregard theology as a “man’s world”.
Is it that women are incapable of grasping theological concepts? No, I don’t think so. I think it’s a mindset thing. And it’s about time we changed it. We ought to reject the comfort of only consuming “milk” and instead strive for “solid food” (Heb 5:13-14; 1 Cor 3:2).
We need to be uncomfortable with having a lot of knowledge yet having no evidence of spiritual maturity simply because what we consume is fluff. The deep and intimate understanding of Biblical truth is not meant for a select few; it is for all believers. After all, how can we claim to love and worship a God we do not intimately know?
Therefore, it’s imperative for all of us, regardless of gender to take the time to study theology and behold the realities given to us in Christ.
Why Women Need Theology
Women are inherently more emotional than men. It’s a gift from God that enables us to be more relational and nurturing in our relationships.
Although it’s important to pursue the deep emotional and loving aspect of God, we often end up neglecting the importance of involving the intellectually demanding aspects altogether.

Even worse, we might feel that the issues of doctrine and theology are a hindrance to having a complete devotion to God.
While I understand where such sentiments would come from, they should be strongly opposed. Here are reasons why an appetite for good theology is absolutely necessary for the faith of Christian women.
1. To know God personally
The main reason why women should pursue theology is so that they can know God intimately. While we cannot fully comprehend the magnificent glory of his majesty on this side of eternity, God has revealed what we ought to know about Him through the Holy Scriptures.
It goes without saying that the more you spend time with someone, the deeper your relationship becomes. The same principle applies to our relationship with God. Taking the time to know our Lord by studying His Word, allows us to establish a close and meaningful relationship with Him.
A heightened knowledge of God also leads to a heart filled with awe as we uncover the depths of His greatness. Echoing the sentiments expressed by the psalmist in Psalm 145:3-5, it leads us to proclaim, “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable”
Furthermore, a deep understanding of God results in a willingness to obey His commands as our minds undergo renewal (Rom 12:2). As Christians, we are not immune to the temptations of the world. And without the Word of God embedded in our hearts, we become susceptible to the allure of worldly lusts that cater to our flesh.
2. To protect us from unsound doctrine
I recently came across a Facebook post from an individual claiming the title of “apostle” (let’s refer to him as apostle X for anonymity). The post featured a picture of apostle X seated in what seemed to be an office, holding a bottle of oil over a table. The caption asserted, “By the power of this anointing oil, I break the spirit of delay in your life.”
I was curious to see the comments and just as I had suspected, about 90% of the ‘Amens’ came from women, sadly. You only need to diligently study the Bible to know that that caption was unbiblical. There is no such thing as a “spirit of delay” in the Bible or the need to break it using anointing oil for that matter.
Nonetheless, many Christian women believe such false teachings to be true and Biblical. This goes to show how susceptible one can be to every wind of false doctrine if they don’t take the time to study the scriptures.
If sound theology is based on the Bible, then it stands to reason that a thorough and accurate understanding of the Bible will naturally protect us from being deceived.
Hence, sound theology is necessary for discernment. The Bible shows that even Christians can be led astray. As such, it consistently warns about the prevalence of false teachers in verses such as Mark 13: 22; 1 John 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; Eph 4:14; and 2 Tim 4:3.
As a result, it’s crucial to recognize that wolves in sheep’s clothing prey on our ignorance of scripture. Only an intimate relationship with God through the Bible will give us the discernment to recognize when a false teacher subtly changes the Scripture just enough to turn it into a lie.
3. To help us bring up Godly children
The Bible instructs parents to disciple and nurture their children in the ways of the Lord (Deut 6:6-7; Prov 22:6; Psalm 78:5-6). Our capacity to shape and instill a Christian worldview in our children hinges on a solid understanding of the scriptures.
And given that mothers often spend a significant amount of time with their children, it’s crucial for them to be theologically sound. This theological grounding equips them to raise children with a strong foundation in godliness.
For instance, when Paul writes to Timothy (2 Tim 1:5), he reflects on the sincere faith Timothy inherited from his mother and grandmother.
Additionally, in 2 Timothy 3:14, Paul urges Timothy to remember the teachings from the scriptures instilled in him since infancy by them. This underscores the profound influence a godly mother can have on her children when she honors God’s word and imparts its wisdom to them.
Moreover, in a world increasingly embracing secularism, Christian mothers play a crucial role in shielding their children’s worldview from corruption. Their commitment to biblical principles becomes a vital anchor in navigating the challenges posed by a secular culture.
4. To share and defend the Gospel
Jesus Christ entrusted us with the responsibility to share the Gospel, as emphasized in Matthew 28:18-20. Therefore, as women, it’s our duty to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. However, the only way to evangelize with confidence is by having a solid understanding of God’s word.
In the course of evangelizing, it’s also prudent to anticipate challenges or situations where one may need to explain or defend their faith. As such, Peter, in 1 Peter 3:15, encourages believers to always be prepared to give a reason for their faith in Christ. Similarly, Jude, in Jude 3, urges the church to earnestly contend for the faith passed down by the Apostles.
The fancy word for defending and contending for the faith is Christian Apologetics. Both Christian men and women are called to stand up for the Word of God when it faces attacks, questioning, or compromise.
To effectively fulfill this calling, it is imperative that we become diligent students of God’s Word. A solid foundation in Scripture equips believers to engage in Apologetics, defending their faith with clarity and conviction.

5. To understand Biblical Womanhood
We live in a time when our culture is grappling with the issues of gender and gender roles. And while we are equal in value to our male counterparts, Our God-given roles are different unlike what the culture of our day may suggest.
The cultural narrative today dictates that for women to feel empowered, they must assume men’s role in society and reject their God-ordained leadership.
Unsound theology among Christian women today has led them to reject Biblical womanhood in favor of this lie, contributing to confusion regarding women’s roles in the church and the home (Titus 1; 1 Tim. 3; 1 Tim. 2:12; Eph. 5:22-33).
Although doing this may make some women feel “liberated,” ultimately it leads to outright rebellion against God to the detriment of their lives, families, and the church. Unlike what the culture sells us, the God-given roles graciously assigned to us by God aren’t oppressive; rather, we thrive in them.
A correct understanding of God’s Word empowers us to serve our husbands in submission, nurture godly children, manage our homes effectively, extend hospitality, and contribute to the local church in our God-given capacity.
It’s in this way that sound theology and a profound knowledge of God serve as safeguards against succumbing to the world’s deceptions, allowing us to embrace our femininity in a manner that glorifies God.
Related: A Critical Look at Feminism: Is it Biblical?
Ultimately, the responsibility to develop a sound and Biblical theology lies squarely on our shoulders. Being passive about our faith and understanding of God’s word is not an option.
After all, we possess the intellectual capacity to read, study, and comprehend what God reveals about Himself through the Bible. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures, also bestows upon us the ability to understand His Word. As such, we are without excuse!
Additionally, relying on others to define who God is for us is not a substitute for personal engagement with the Scriptures. Knowledge gained from other sources will inevitably fall short compared to the depth of insight that comes from the personal study of the Word.
Therefore, as women, we have to take ownership of our faith by actively pursuing, understanding, and engaging with the Scriptures. It’s a privilege that enables us to grow in knowledge and intimacy with our Creator. So, let’s make use of it.
- The Gospel Coalition: 3 Reasons Women Need Good Theology
- The Set Apart Walk: Women Need Theology, Too
- Christ is the Cure: Why Women Need Theology
- G3 Ministries: Why Women Need Sound Theology
- Union Theology: Why Women Need Theology (And Why They Avoid It)
This is an easy to read, excellent article! Thank you!
Thank you so much for your feedback Laura.