Welcome to my blog!
I’m Wanjiru Ng’ang’a, and I’d love to tell you a little more about myself, why I started this blog, and what you will find here.
First and foremost, I’m from Kenya; born and bred. Even as I’m writing this, I’m basking in the hot Nairobi sun. I love music, graphic design, trying new recipes, and almost always next to me is a nice hot cuppa tea.
I’ve been born again for almost a decade now. However, I wasn’t an avid Bible reader for the most part. Yep! I was lazy. Jumping from one Pentecostal church to another didn’t help either. And as you can imagine this left me susceptible to every wind of false doctrine I came by.
As long as a sermon was palatable, I gobbled it down like tic-tacs. Needless to say, much of it was unsound and far from what the Bible actually teaches.
It wasn’t until I began studying the Bible diligently, that God opened my eyes to the fact that I was deceived. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to being a student of the Scriptures. And right now I am enjoying the freedom that comes from sound Biblical doctrine.
Long story short, my journey is what led me to start this blog.
As a result, this blog is meant to encourage young women to study the Bible. Yes, I believe women should be theologians too!! Not only so that they can apply it to their lives by walking in obedience, but also to discern false teachings.
As such, much of the content here will be geared towards admonishing each other to base our beliefs solely on what the Scripture says. You’ll find articles that encourage you to study the Scripture, challenge the culture, and discern false teaching.
However, I should clarify that I am not a professional theologian nor have I attended seminary. I am just an ordinary Christian.
Therefore, my posts have absolutely no ministerial authority. So if you come across anything on my blog that conflicts with the Scripture, please let me know. I’m still learning and I don’t mind constructive criticism.
Nonetheless, I will do my best to present myself as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15).
If you are a young woman interested in such content, I pray that the writings you find here will point to Jesus Christ, uphold the authority of Scripture, encourage you in your discipleship journey, and equip you to proclaim the Gospel.
Before you leave, please check out what we believe to see our statement of faith. Be blessed!