
  • Positive Confession: Debunking the Power of the Tongue

    Positive Confession: Debunking the Power of the Tongue

    As a newly born-again Christian, one of the first things that I was taught at my local church was what we called the ‘power of the tongue’. The idea was that Christians possessed the ability to bring about both positive and negative outcomes through their …

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  • The Damning Theology of the Word of Faith Movement

    The Damning Theology of the Word of Faith Movement

    It’s been said that whereas Christianity is dying in the West, it is growing by leaps and bounds in Africa. But is this truly the case? Unfortunately, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that much of the teachings in African churches are steeped in what …

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  • Are Positive Affirmations Biblical? My Thoughts

    Are Positive Affirmations Biblical? My Thoughts

    Are Positive affirmations Biblical? And should Christians use them?  With the idea of positive affirmations gaining popularity within Christian circles, I believe that it’s crucial that we examine it Biblically. But first… What are Positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are a daily practice of repeating encouraging …

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  • Bible Interpretation: Descriptive vs Prescriptive Passages

    Bible Interpretation: Descriptive vs Prescriptive Passages

    When it comes to the application of scripture, it’s important to determine whether a passage is descriptive or prescriptive. In the previous blog post, we looked at the principles of interpreting the scriptures correctly. And what came up is that Bible interpretation should be aimed …

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  • 6 Principles for Interpreting the Bible Correctly

    6 Principles for Interpreting the Bible Correctly

    One of the perks of going to a Christian university is getting to take a few common courses in Theology. One such course that I took was Biblical Hermeneutics. I didn’t know it then, but this course has been such a resource in my personal …

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  • What is a Cult and How to Spot One

    What is a Cult and How to Spot One

    Two weeks ago we woke up to the horror story of a man named Pastor Paul Mackenzie who led his followers to starve themselves to death at Shakahola, here in Kenya. As we speak, his cult has claimed over 100 lives with over 400 people …

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  • Why the Youth Are Leaving the Church -My Thoughts

    Why the Youth Are Leaving the Church -My Thoughts

    Anyone keeping tabs on cultural trends isn’t surprised that a shockingly large number of youth are leaving the church. With some even going so far as to renounce the faith altogether. It reminds me of the devout Christian Union (CU) members I studied with in …

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  • Saying “God Loves You” is Not the Complete Gospel

    Saying “God Loves You” is Not the Complete Gospel

    Many Christians, while they are passionate about sharing the Gospel fall short of proclaiming its full message. In an effort to soften the blow and make the Gospel more palatable, even ministers today have watered down the uncomfortable parts of the Bible.  Often, the message …

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  • What the Bible Says about Astrology and Why it’s Sinful

    What the Bible Says about Astrology and Why it’s Sinful

    “Mimi ni Pisces! Na wewe?” That’s Swahili for, ” I’m a Pisces! What about you?”. I vaguely call to mind saying those words to my friends with excitement back then when newspapers were still a thing.  Major newspaper publications and magazines had a column devoted …

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  • The Sufficiency of Scripture: What Does it Mean and Why it’s Important

    The Sufficiency of Scripture: What Does it Mean and Why it’s Important

    I’m a sola scriptura kinda girl although that wasn’t the case for most of my Christian journey. If you aren’t familiar with the term, Sola scriptura is Latin for Scripture alone. It means that scripture is sufficient to equip the Christian in matters of faith …

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  • Why is the Bible Considered the Word of God?

    Why is the Bible Considered the Word of God?

    I believe that the Bible is sufficient in equipping a believer in matters of faith and conduct. I also believe that it should have the final authority in the Christian life. But you can only hold to this view of you if you’re fully convinced …

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  • 4 Lessons about God from the Book of Genesis

    4 Lessons about God from the Book of Genesis

    Not long ago, I studied the book of Genesis, and boy did I enjoy it. It opened up my eyes to a deeper understanding of the knowledge, character, and nature of God, unlike any other book I had studied before.  And since I wrote down …

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