Slain or A Sad Misrepresentation of the Spirit’s Work?
This post was originally published on The Gospel Coalition Africa. In my previous article, we examined what it means to be ‘slain in the Spirit’ and some of the verses often used to support this practice. Perhaps one of the saddest aspects of being slain in …
Should We Expect to Be Slain in the Spirit?
This post was originally published on The Gospel Coalition Africa. In many hyper-charismatic circles, the phenomenon of being “slain in the Spirit” (also referred to as “falling under the anointing“) is the hallmark of spiritual experiences. It typically occurs during altar calls when a “man of God” lays …
What is Biblical Application?
“The aim of theology is not just to make us smart sinners, but to make us holy people.”~ D.A Carson In today’s busy world, it’s easy for Christians to read the Bible without ever stopping to ask, “How does this really impact my life?” We …
Don’t Cherry Pick- Savor the whole counsel of God
When I became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I was eager to drop the cherry-picking ways I had previously taken with Scripture. I was filled with excitement to dive right in and read the entire Bible from cover to cover. In my mind, …
Are There Apostles Today? Part 2: A Study of 2 Corinthians
About three months ago, as I was studying the book of 2 Corinthians, I couldn’t help but notice the stark differences between Paul’s experiences as a true apostle and what we see in today’s self-proclaimed apostles. It was this realization that sparked the idea to …
Are There Apostles Today? Examining Apostleship in the Hypercharismatic Movement
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for some time. Initially, I had planned to address this topic at a later time; however, the recent Rhema Feast made it more pressing. For those who may be unfamiliar with the term, Rhema Feast is …
Book Review: Stand Up for the Gospel (A Powerful Call to Defend the Faith )
This review was originally posted on the Africa Center for Apologetics Research Facebook Page. We live at a time where spiritual charlatans peddle promises of wealth and miracles in the name of God. An age where the true essence of the Gospel is often being …
Why You Need to Know the Biblical Qualifications for Church Leaders
About a month ago, Kenya witnessed a grand ordination ceremony that drew a staggering crowd. The event, marked by pomp and glory saw a famous Kikuyu preacher and comedian consecrated as a Bishop. The occasion was graced by numerous politicians from the Mount Kenya region, …
Examining the Practice of Binding and Rebuking Satan
In many African churches, intercession isn’t considered complete until we’ve tackled every spiritual foe imaginable. I remember a time when I used to attend church early for the intercessory prayer service, very eager to participate in intense spiritual battles. As you can imagine, binding and …
Your Problem Isn’t an Evil Altar but God Is the Solution
In certain charismatic and Pentecostal movements, the concept of “breaking evil altars” holds significant sway. Often presented as a diagnosis for the various challenges and struggles faced by believers, this belief has spurred many on a mission to dismantle supposedly malevolent spiritual altars in search …